Hedge Cause Of Auto Accident
The Kansan learned today that it was a Hudson Sedan and not a Dodge Sedan that collided with the Ford car in the automobile accident that occurred Sunday afternoon about 5 o’clock at the south corner of the George Hupp farm, which resulted in the death of Ethel May, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Royer. The occupants of the Hudson were Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Grimm of 500 East Third and little son and their son Harley Grimm and his wife. In speaking of the accident today, Mrs. Grimm stated that they had no desire to conceal their names and had given them to the Royer family at the time of the accident. She stated that it was not their Sedan that brought the injured child to the hospital but that Miss Harriet Royer and some friends who were passing about the time of the accident had taken the family of her brother, Alvin, to Newton. Harley Grimm who was driving the Hudson it was stated was unable to see the Ford on account of the hedge, until the two cars were in the intersection of the road. He turned the Hudson as shortly as possible, hoping to avoid the collision. One fender and one bumper was bent. The occupants were not injured but suffered from the jar of the impact of the cars and most from the mental anguish, of knowing the terrible results that occurred from the accident of the collision. The accident happened so suddenly that neither driver is able to give any detailed account of it except their one thought of avoiding the collision. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Royer is two miles south and two miles west of Hesston but the family had visited Mrs. Alvin Royer, the wife and mother who is at Bethel hospital and were on their way to the U.S. Royer home southwest of Newton when the accident occurred, to have Miss Agnes Royer accompany them home. The Royer families desire to have it known that they no way hold the driver of the Hudson car responsible for the accident, as it was one of those happenings that occur and seem unavoidable and they feel grateful for the kindly assistance given them by the Grimm families. The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas. July 20, 1920. Page 6.
Babe Killed In Auto Accident
Dodge Sedan Crashes Into Ford at Intersection of Roads. Heavy Hege Blamed. Child Caught Under Radiator Is Scalded by Escaping Water. A most deplorable tragedy has resulted from an automobile accident which occurred at the corner south of the George Hupp farm south west of Newton Sunday afternoon about 2 o’clock which resulted in the death of little Edith May Royer, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Royer, whose home is two miles south and three miles west of Newton. Alvin Royer, his five children and his brother Walter had motored to town in the Ford car to visit Mrs. Alvin Royer and her five days old baby at Bethel hospital. They were on their way home and were driving south when a Dodge Sedan driven from the east struck the Ford. The impact drove the Ford into a telegraph post. The radiator was crushed, and when the children were thrown from the Ford Ethel May fell beneath the radiator and the hot water trickling on her, burned three fourths of the surface of her body. She was brought to Newton in the sedan and taken to Axtell Hospital where she passed away this morning about 9:30. With the exception of a cut on the head of one boy, the other members of the Ford party were not injured but were badly jarred and shocked by the terrible accident. Mr. Royer had not asked the names of the occupants of the Dodge and the Kansan was unable to find any one who remembered them but it is known that they are Newton residents. It was reported that a man, two women and a child were in the Dodge and that a woman was driving. The Royer car was not being driven at the time of the accident, but two hedges at this corner have such a dense foliage that it is reported, they obstruct the view, hence Mr. Royer did not see the Dodge in time to turn out and receive the full impact of the car. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Royer and family will sympathize with them in the loss of their darling child which had come in such a tragic way. The funeral party will leave the Sprinker Chapel Tuesday morning at 9:30 for the Royer Church where the funeral will be held, conducted by Rev. M.J. Mishler. The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas. July 19, 1920.