Halstead Cemetery



Matches 1 to 50 of 4286

1 2 3 4 5 ... 86» Next»

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9919
2 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I10082
3 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9949
4 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9618
5 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9619
6 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I10305
7 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9987
8 ?, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9724
9 Abston, Mildred L (Miller)  22 Oct 1975Halstead Cemetery I16627
10 Acuilar, Georje  Halstead Cemetery I9890
11 Adair, Martha C  Halstead Cemetery I16509
12 Adair, William Benjamin  18 Nov 1995Halstead Cemetery I16508
13 Adams, Adah May  Halstead Cemetery I11192
14 Adams, Freddie  Halstead Cemetery I11195
15 Adams, Grover  Halstead Cemetery I9824
16 Adams, Harriet Ann  Halstead Cemetery I10336
17 Adams, Leon  Halstead Cemetery I11193
18 Adams, Lula  Halstead Cemetery I9825
19 Adams, Montie  Halstead Cemetery I11194
20 Adrian, Emma E (Nickel)  Halstead Cemetery I9698
21 Adrian, Jean Louise (Berger)  27 Jun 2015Halstead Cemetery I39566
22 Adrian, John F  Halstead Cemetery I9697
23 Aguila, ?  Halstead Cemetery I9899
24 Aguilar, George  Halstead Cemetery I38020
25 Aguilar, Mrs Georje  Halstead Cemetery I9889
26 Ahrens, Amalia L  Halstead Cemetery I15367
27 Ahrens, Charles S  Halstead Cemetery I15369
28 Ahrens, Dora M  Halstead Cemetery I15366
29 Ahrens, Minnie F  Halstead Cemetery I15368
30 Aillon, Alejandro J. M.D.  8 Oct 1999Halstead Cemetery I35454
31 Akins, Anna W (Ewing)  Halstead Cemetery I10470
32 Akins, Charles E  Halstead Cemetery I9763
33 Akins, Clara B  Halstead Cemetery I9760
34 Akins, Earl R  Halstead Cemetery I10473
35 Akins, Flora M  Halstead Cemetery I9766
36 Akins, Harry Samuel  Halstead Cemetery I9765
37 Akins, Lee  Halstead Cemetery I9767
38 Akins, Nelda G  Halstead Cemetery I14673
39 Akins, Sallie Bly (Wiggins)  Halstead Cemetery I9764
40 Akins, Samuel  Halstead Cemetery I36522
41 Akins, William C  Halstead Cemetery I9761
42 Akins, William Pen  Halstead Cemetery I10471
43 Albertson, Garrett H  Halstead Cemetery I9826
44 Albertson, Margaret J  Halstead Cemetery I9827
45 Albrecht, Harry W F  Halstead Cemetery I14535
46 Albright, Gladys E  Halstead Cemetery I16583
47 Albright, Samuel B  Halstead Cemetery I16584
48 Alison, John R  Halstead Cemetery I14664
49 Alison, Maude E  Halstead Cemetery I14665
50 Allala, Damiana  Halstead Cemetery I9891

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Headstone Photo

Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Headstone Photo    Person ID 
1 Miller, Jack Russell  25 Aug 2014Halstead Cemetery I15247


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Frederick / Frederick   F36260
2 Pankratz / Pankratz  19 Aug 1934Halstead Cemetery F36177
3 Stanley / Stanley  1947Halstead Cemetery F36317
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