Suicide by Hanging.  Found Dead  In A Barn.  A  Man The Fatal Leap Into The Dark Via Hemp Rope.

Last evening we learned that an unknown corps had been brought to the city, from the township, by Justice Weatherby,  and turned over to the officers at this place.  On hearing the news went out at once to Marshal Marks who accompanied us to the council chamber, where the body had been taken, and on entering the room there, on a bench before us, lay the body if a man who had evidently suffered the terrible agonies of death, caused by strangulation.  The sight was indeed an unpleasant one: the face of the corpse was turned to a dark color, the features distorted, the eyes staring wide open, the tongue protruding from the mouth and the rope with which he had hung himself, was still drawn tight around the neck.  The deceased is a foreigner and is evidently about thirty years old.  At the inquest there were nothing found on his person that would throw any light on the mystery as to who he was or where  he came from and nothing is known of him  by the people of the neighborhood, except that he had called at the house of A.G. Richardson.  After he left Mr. R’s he was not seen again until found hanging in Mr. Edward Libby’s barn.  There is nothing about the body that would lead a person to even conjecture the reason for so rash an act and all that one can say is that the light of another unfortunate mortal of earth has been snuffed out and that nothing is left to tell  the tale but   lump of in animated clay.  The  body of the unfortunate will be interred in the potters field to-day unless it can be identified.   The Newton Kansan, Newton Kansas.  Thursday, January 27, 1887. Page 4.  (c) Transcribed by Marty Fuller for the Harvey County Genealogical Society.

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