Accidentally Shot.  L.V. Carpenter, an employee in the carriage factory, was accidentally shot with a revolver last evening by L.A. Sutfin at the residence of C.W. Smithpeter on West South Second street.  Mr. S. was engaged in removing the cartridges from the chamber of the revolver preparatory to cleaning the same when it was accidentally discharged, the ball entering the left leg of Mr. Carpenter above the knee joint inflicting a severe wound.  Mr. C. was engaged in writing at a table on the opposite side of the room from which Mr. S. was standing when the weapon was discharged.  Drs. Coleman and Nolder were called and rendered assistance and when visited by a reporter this afternoon Mr. Carpenter was able to sit up as usual.  The Newton Kansan, Newton, Kansas.  July 28, 1887.  Page 2.