Shocking Tragedy.  Oma Beers, Returning Home Saturday Night, Slain By Herbert Shacklett
The Dead Bodies of the Young Lady and Her Slayer Were Discovered About Three Miles West of the City
Four Shots Were Required to End the Life of the Beautiful Girl
Slayer Shot Himself Through The Heart
A shocking tragedy, the most terrible and revolting ever recorded in the annals of Newton, took place in the city Saturday night and the citizens have not yet recovered from the horror and indignation which the crime aroused in their breasts. Miss Oma Beers, one of the city’s most beautiful and accomplished young ladies, was shot and killed by Herbert Shacklett, a young man about town, who afterwards completed the tragedy by shooting himself. The awful crime was committed about 11 o’clock Saturday night, not two blocks from the murdered girl’s home.  Seldom is any community as thoroughly aroused over a crime as Newton has been over that of Saturday night -and on every side are heard expressions of deepest regret for the parents of the dead girl and horror at the tragic manner in which her life was ended. The details of the affair are shocking in the extreme and have made a deep and abiding impression on the minds of the citizens of the town who had known the unfortunate girl from her early childhood, and had watched her grow into young womanhood. It has been the sole topic of conversation on the street and in the homes of the city ever since the dead bodies were found west of town and the news of the affair spread throughout the community. Even at this late hour the excitement has not abated and the feeling in regard to the matter is intense.  Saturday evening Miss Beers, as was her custom, drove to town and spent the evening in company with a friend, Miss Etta Moore, driving on Main Street. Later in the evening, attended by Mr. Joe Giblin, an employee of the Harvey News Company here, the young ladies visited the Shaker Medicine Company’s show at the corner of Main and Seventh streets. They remained only a short time and left the place soon after 10 o’clock. Before parting Mr. Giblin volunteered to accompany Miss Beers to her home but the latter, never dreaming there was danger, declined his services and started on the trip home alone. This was the last scene of the unfortunate girl alive. Yesterday morning her dead body was found nearly 3 miles west of the city beside that of the young man who had slain her.

It is supposed that Shacklett lay in wait for his victims somewhere between the West Broadway Bridge and Boyd’s Grove.  Just how he managed to get into the buggy with her will never be known, but it is supposed either compelled her to let him in at the point of a pistol or gained admittance to the carriage by deceiving the girl as to his intentions. At any rate he succeeded in climbing into the buggy and there is every indication that a terrible struggle ensued. The girls clothing was torn, portions of it almost into shreds, and there is no doubt that she made a desperate fight for her life. A portion of her pink skirt was torn from her body and was found a half a block west of the Mitten place. A few feet further west the lap robe covered with blood, fell to the ground. When in front of the home of L. H. Mitten on the Boyd place, four shots were fired by the assassin which put an effectual stop to the girl’s struggles. These shots were heard by the Mittens as well as by others in the vicinity. The murderer continued to drive west on Broadway to the Fox Winnie place and there turned north.  It is supposed by some of the officers that the vehicle was upset in rounding this corner, buggy tracks indicating that the wheels on the left passed over the culvert while those on the right were in the gutter. The fact that the cushion stained with blood, the victim’s gloves, a chunk of ice which was being carried in the buggy, and some unexploded cartridges were found on the ground to the right of the culvert would tend to substantiate this theory, although many do not take stock in this supposition. The right step of the buggy and the dashboard on the same side are bent, giving color to the theory that the vehicle upset.

After righting the buggy, if this was necessary, the murderer drove north to Twelfth Street and then a mile west, where he turned and went south a quarter of a mile. Picking up the dead body of his victim he placed it on the ground near the road, then turned the horse and buggy around until they face the North, wrapped the lines around the whip, lay down in the middle-of-the-road and shot himself through the heart. This is the version of the story which is generally accepted by those who have examined the case carefully. In the main it is very probably the correct one, although no one will ever know just what took place on that terrible ride. Perhaps it is well that the awful story is veiled in obscurity, and that the parents and friends are spared the harassing details.  The first intimation of a possible accident or a tragedy was obtained by Cecil Thompson and by him conveyed to the mother at her home in Highland Park. Cecil was bringing a party of young people home from a picnic in Prouty’s Grove and while driving on Twelfth street north of the Winnie place, saw horse and buggy in the road ahead of him. There being no driver in the carriage Cecil stopped his horses and ran ahead to the buggy and secured the horse. The lines he found to be wrapped tightly around the whip and tied with a single not, while in the carriage was an umbrella, a ladies glove, and a couple of bottles of vanilla extract which had probably been purchased by Miss Beers down town. In the bottom of the buggy his hand encountered a wet substance which he afterward found to be blood. As near as Cecil can compute, the horse was found about a quarter after 11 o’clock. Upon arriving at Thompson’s stable in this city, Cecil, having recognized the outfit as belonging to Mr. Beers, telephone to the home of the latter to inform them as to his discovery. The first two calls of the phone were unanswered, Mrs. Beers having gone to the home of a neighbor. A few minutes after 12 o’clock he was called up by Mrs. Beers who had returned home and to her he related the story of his find.  Mrs. Beers eagerly inquired for information as to the whereabouts of the missing girl but Cecil was of course unable to relieve her apprehension.  For some time Mrs. Beers had been worrying about the nonappearance of her daughter and had telephoned to “central” and two friends in town to find out whether or not the missing one had been seen. Finally she went to the home of a neighbor, E. S. Baldwin, but could hear no tidings of her daughter. She heard plainly the shots which terminated her daughter’s life and this added materially to her feelings of fear and apprehension. The telephone message from the livery stable thoroughly aroused her and at her request Mr. Baldwin came to town to investigate.  As time passed she became more and more excited and alarmed and finally phoned to Assistant Marshal J. R. Cheap, asking him to call her nephew, Tom Boardman, and institute a search. The two went to Judkin’s livery barn where the team had been sent and, upon examination, found blood in the bottom of the bed and on the sides of the box. Convinced that an accident had happened or a crime had been committed, they sent word to Sheriff Masters, Marshall Ainsworth, and other officers, and these, with what citizens could be summoned, commenced a thorough search.

The country west of town was thoroughly gone over by three scouting parties and a careful and systematic search made. A party consisting of Assistant Marshall Cheap, Night Watchman Jack Gates of the Santa Fe, Clayton Ainsworth, Christian Ditlow, and Frank Simpson struck the trail of the buggy and followed it West on 12th St. until it turned south on the first section line.[1] The boys in the party went ahead and about a quarter of a mile from the corner came upon the bodies lying in the road and making a ghastly sight in the gray light of the dawn. They motioned to the officers who were a few feet behind them, and the latter hurried to the scene. Miss Beers’ body was lying face up, west of the road with the head to the southwest. About 12 feet north of her in the middle of the road, with the head turned towards the south, was the body of Shacklett, with the pistol with which the awful deed had been committed, being about 3 feet west of the road. A pistol shot was fired as a signal to the other searchers that the bodies had been found and that a hasty trip was made to town where the corner and Sheriff were notified. The corner had the undertaking wagon of Duff & Duff drive to the scene and the bodies were picked up and brought to the Duff Undertaking Parlors to await an inquest.  The bodies were found shortly after 5 o’clock in the morning and it was about 7 o’clock when the undertaking wagon drove up to the rooms on Main Street. The crowd immediately gathered in front of the place and from that time until after the inquest, the curious and morbid surged at the doors and sought admittance, which was steadily refused them. On the streets were numerous groups of men who excitingly discussed the matter and interviewed everyone who they thought had reason to know something about the tragedy. Rumors of all kinds, some of them preposterous in their premise, were prevalent and serve to increase the excitement.  Dr. McKee, the county coroner, hastily impaneled a jury consisting of Dr. Gaston Boyd and the Messrs. H. D. Wells, George Z. Wright, N. A. Mathis, T. H. McManus, and John Cummings, and at 9:30 o’clock this jury viewed the remains of both of the dead in Duff’s morgue.  A careful examination was made by the physician and it was found that in Shacklett’s case the bullet had penetrated the body at the left nipple, between the fifth and sixth ribs, had gone completely through the body, and had buried itself just under the skin between the sixth and seventh ribs.  From this position it was extracted by the physicians at the inquest. Death was undoubtedly instantaneous, the ball penetrating the heart. There were no other wounds, scratches, or marks of violence on the body and the clothing, though dusty from having lain in the road, was not torn or disordered.

Miss Beers was shot in four places, and her clothing was drenched in blood. Almost every garment she wore was thoroughly soaked in blood, and her arms and hands were covered with it. One of the bullets had struck her left side, between the seventh and eighth ribs, inflicting merely a flesh wound. Three ghastly bullet holes were found in the head and face. One of them was an inch to the left and slightly under the mouth. The bullet which penetrated here knocked several teeth from both the upper and lower jaws. An inch in front of the left ear was a second wound the bullet having penetrated the head and embedded itself there. The third bullet entered the head and inch and a half above the left year and back of it, fracturing the skull and penetrating the brain. Physicians say that any one of these three wounds would have caused death. The face was sprinkled with powder, proving that the shooting was done at short range. The wounds were on the left side of the face and it is supposed from this that the assassin crawled into the buggy from that side.  After viewing the remains, the inquest was adjourned to this morning at 10 o’clock and the bodies were turned over to the undertakers for embalming.  Last Monday night Shacklett resigned his position at Judkins’ livery stable. He’d been employed there about two weeks previous to that time, and since his resignation had made that his loafing place. Saturday afternoon one of the employees of the stable asked him what he would take (meaning in money) to work for him that night, and Shacklett told him he thought $.50 would be about right. The contract was made and Shacklett started in on the work, seemly in a happy frame of mind. When Mr. Judkins came in, Shacklett greeted him and said, “well, I’m in for it tonight.”  Judkins, supposing he had reference to his work, made some passing remark and thought no more about it. To one of the other employees of the barn, Shacklett, in a joking way, said “this is the night I die.” He had been heard to make some such foolish remark several times before and no attention was paid to it.  About fifteen minutes after nine o’clock he left the barn by the rear and that is the last scene of him alive. That he had contemplated such a thing several times before has, since the awful tragedy, come to light, though at the time no attention was given it, as it was thought that he had simply been making a boyish remark. In some manner he became possessed of a pistol, and while on a recent fishing excursion with several companions of the same age, had produced it and said to his Associates, “Do you see that gun? Some day it will kill Oma Beers.”  His consorts jeered at him, and paid no further attention to it. It is said that he had been heard to make other and similar remarks, but no one took him seriously.  A reporter for this paper visited the Shacklett home yesterday morning where he found the most grief stricken family it has ever been his misfortune to call upon. The father and mother both getting well along in years, are the parents of a large family, the majority of whom still live under the parental roof. They not only feel the loss of the sun, the third eldest of the boys, but added to their grief is the fact that he is a murderer. They feel keenly the disgrace of the affair, and it is one which time will not heal.  Herbert Shacklett was 18 years old his last birthday, which was October 2, 1900. When asked as to his mental condition, the father replied that at no time in his life had he exhibited any signs of insanity, or that his mind was unbalanced. In fact he was considered unusually bright by the members of his family. He was of a timid nature, and it is said that whenever trouble arose between the elder brothers, his was always the part of peacemaker, seeming to abhor the thought of trouble of any kind.  His parents cannot account for the motive which prompted him to do the awful deed.  If he ever contemplated such a thought, he kept it well hidden from the other members of the family.  He seemed to have a great regard for Miss Beers and has several times spoken to his parents of what a nice place he had to work, while he was employed there.  When he resigned his position a few weeks ago, he told his father he was compelled to quit, because the pay was inadequate, that while he did not have much board he was of the opinion that he could get a better arrangement elsewhere.

As was no more than a natural, the family could not believe that he had committed such a horrible crime, and ask this reporter several times if there was not some theory advanced that would lead to the possibility that he did not do it. They had of course heard a few of the details of the affair and their natural love for the son and brother prompted them to think that perhaps someone else did the deed. The wish was no doubt father of the thought. But the facts in the case did not warrant a reporter in giving the family any consolation. It is too evident that he was alone guilty of the crime.  While there is no doubt sympathy for remaining members of the Shacklett family, there is none for the boy that committed the murder, and he did well when he took his own life. His death was probably much easier, that might otherwise have been. Not even the cloak of insanity would have saved him from a horrible death, had he lived to confess the murder.  The strain of the parents of the dead girl has been a tremendous one but they are bearing it bravely. Sympathizing friends and neighbors have been doing all that human agencies can to lighten the blow and to alleviate the suffering of the parents. The father was first informed of the tragedy at White Eagle, Oklahoma Territory, by conductor Ed Hildebrand, an old time friend. Mr. Beers was on the return trip but was relieved by Al Glazier who went from Newton for that purpose. He arrived in Newton at 3:45.

Oma Beers was known to almost every citizen of the city. Almost all of the 17 years of her life were spent in Newton. She attended the city schools and was last year a member of the Junior class of the high school. She was a general favorite with her schoolmates and teachers by whom she was held in high esteem. Here was a particularly bright and sunny disposition which attracted to her many friends.  Being the only child, she was made the object of a wealth of love on the part of her parents, who made every sacrifice to promote her welfare and happiness. This renders the blow doubly hard to bear. The heartfelt sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved parents and on every hand are heard expressions of commiseration for the sorrowing ones. The taking of young life, just wanted promises most for the future in a manner so tragic, is indeed an impressive reminder of the uncertainty of human life and will make an abiding impression in the community.  The funeral of Herbert Shacklett was held this afternoon at the family home, 200 East Eleventh street.  Rev. W. A. Elliott officiated at the services and the body was interred in the city cemetery. Tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock the funeral of Miss Beers will take place at the Beers home in Highland Park.  The services will be conducted by Rev. Elliott, after which the body will be laid to rest in the city cemetery. The coroner’s inquest had not arrived at a verdict at the hour of going to press this afternoon. It convened this morning in the district court room were a number of witnesses were examined. This afternoon the examination of witnesses was resumed at one o’clock and was still in progress when this paper went to press. There is little doubt as to the verdict that will be returned. The circumstances of the affair are such as to leave no doubt that the story of the tragedy is as given above. The man who committed the crime is beyond the power of the human court to punish and is now, perhaps, before the judgment seat of his Maker. Their and they’re only will the truth of the awful tragedy be known.  (The Newton Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Monday, July 15, 1901.  Page 1).

The Verdict.  Result of the Inquest of Saturday Night’s Horror.
After viewing the remains of the victims of Saturday night’s tragedy, at Sunday morning’s session of the coroner’s  jury, an adjournment was taken until yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. Cecil Thompson was the first witness called. Cecil described in detail the incidents in connection with the finding of the horse and buggy 2 miles west of town and described the condition of the vehicle and the objects found in it. His story was identical with that given in this paper yesterday.  Milburn Dart, carrier on rural mail route No. 1, was called to the stand to testify in regard to the pistol with which the deed was committed. The weapon was a 32 caliber, blue steel one, which Dart had left, unloaded, in a drawer at Judkin’s stable.  Shacklett found it there and carried it about his person for a couple of weeks. One day, in fun, dart slipped a weapon from Shacklett’s pocket into his own, and the latter, in turn, slipped it back into his pocket. Here he carried it until the day of the murder, when it was used with deadly effect.  George Slater was one of a crowd of boys who went to Mrs. Scott’s west of town, some time ago on a fishing expedition. Slater testified having seen Shacklett exhibit a pistol there and remarked that “this is the pistol that will kill Oma Beers.”  Several times Shacklett mentioned the name of the unfortunate girl and claim to have a grudge against her.  Amos Prouty was a member of the same party and told substantially the same story as Slater.  Assistant Marshall J. R. Cheap told in detail about finding the bodies west of town, describing the positions in which they lay in the condition in which they were found. Night watchman John Gates of the Santa Fe, corroborated Mr. Cheap’s testimony.  At the afternoon session, L. H. Mitten, who lives on the Dr. Boyd place a half-mile west of the city on Broadway, told what he knew about the sad affair. He heard four shots Saturday night shortly before 11 o’clock, two of the reports following each other in quick succession and the third and fourth farther apart. The shooting appeared to be taking place near the gate in front of the place. Mr. mitten heard no screams or noise of any kind, although he could easily have done so as the shots were fired not over 200 feet from the house.  A. J. Brown was another resident of that vicinity who heard the shooting. Two of the shots seem to be fired in front of Boyd’s grove, the third was fired near the grove, and the fourth as the buggy was driven by. Mr. Brown could not distinguish the persons in the buggy.  Howard Judkins was the next witness called to the stand, and his testimony concerned the demeanor of Shacklett around the livery stable where he was employed. Mr. Judkins noticed nothing unusual in the young man’s deportment the night of the tragedy. He was sent to accompany a patron to the latter’s house and upon his return was heard whistling in the back part of the building. When he left the stable at about a quarter after nine o’clock, he remarked to Mr. Judkins, “well, it’s all night with me,” but Mr. Judkins, thinking he referred to the fact that he was expecting to substitute for one of his companions at the stable that night, paid no attention to the remark.  Marshal A. R. Ainsworth’s testimony was in regard to the finding of the lap robe and a portion of the pink skirt worn by Miss Beers.  Sheriff Masters describe fully the search carried on for the bodies of the victims and told of the finding of the cushion, glove, cartridges, and chunk of ice near the culvert at the Winnie corner.  These were the only witnesses examined. Their testimony was the same as the story of the crime given in last night’s paper in every detail. The jury returned the following verdict:

“An inquisition held at Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, on the 14th and 15th days of July, 1901, before me, Dr. James McKee, corner of said county on the bodies of Oma Beers and Herbert Shacklett, then lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed. The said jurors, upon their oaths do say that Oma Beers and Herbert Shacklett came to their death on the 13th day of July on or about 11:00 p.m.  That said Oma Beers came to her death at the hands of Herbert Shacklett by being shot four times, three in the head and one in the body. Any one of said shots in the head was sufficient to cause death. Said murder was committed on West Broadway, Newton Township, Harvey County, Kansas. After said murder the body was conveyed in buggy of the deceased by Herbert Shacklett to the section line between Macon and Newton townships, said body of Oma Beers being removed from the buggy and left lying on the roadside, after which he caused his own death by shooting himself through the heart.”  Dr. Gaston Boyd, T. H. McManus, John Cummings, H. D. Wells, George O. Wright, N. A. Mathis, & James McKee, Coroner.  (The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Tuesday,  July 16, 1901. Page 1).

Laid To Rest
An Impressive Ceremony Marks the Last Chapter in the Life of Oma Beers.  In the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives who assembled, awed and subdued by a sense of the hideousness of the tragedy which was still fresh in their minds, the funeral services of Miss Oma Beers was held at the family home in Highland Park yesterday afternoon at four o’clock. The large house could not accommodate all who came to give side of expression to the grief which possess them or the deep sympathy which they felt for the stricken parents and other relatives. The body had lain in state at the house all day where intimate friends of the family were permitted to view it but after the ceremony the casket was closed and no opportunity given those present to view the body. The parlors, dining room, and reception hall were filled with sympathizing friends when the services were commenced shortly after four o’clock.  Rev. W. A. Elliott conducted the services, which in addition to attaching prayer, a brief sketch of the life of the deceased, and a few words of consolation and comfort to the bereaved ones, including a number of selections by a choir consisting of Mrs. J. E. Catlin, and the Misses Grace McGowan, Blanche Woehler, and Rosa Bergh and Messrs. Otis Showalter, Cecil Plumb, Carl Kinney, and Claude Kinney.  The selections sung were “Nearer My God to Thee,” “Songs of the Night,” “Some Time We’ll Understand,” and “Savior, Lead Me.”  The body was followed to the cemetery by a procession of carriages which was one of the longest ever seen in the city. The pallbearers were the Messrs. Jim Steinkirchner, Cecil Plumb, John Winnie, Charles Steiger, and Claude and Carl Kinney.  At the cemetery a brief service was held consisting of a prayer and song by the choir. Into a grave lined with white and covered with sprigs of Evergreen, all that was mortal of Oma Beers was then lowered to its final resting place.  (The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Wednesday,  July 17, 1901. Page 1).

Society Girl Slain By Her Rejected Lover
Miss Oma Beers, Well Known in Guthrie, Meets With a Horrible Fate – Her Slayer Then Kills Himself.  A terrible tragedy occurred in Newton Saturday night.  Miss Oma, the beautiful 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beers, was shot and killed by Herbert Shacklett, a stable boy formerly in the family’s employee, who afterwards shot himself through the heart. The dead young lady was well known in Guthrie, having visited Ms. Ethel McNeill during the past winter.  The Beers lived in suburban home about a mile west of Newton. The girl came to town Saturday night to attend a party and started to drive home along at about 10 o’clock. When she did not arrive her mother, who was alone, became alarmed and notified the police. About midnight search party was organized and at five o’clock Sunday morning the dead bodies of the girl and her slayer were found about 3 miles west of the city.  Four bullets had been fired into the body of the girl, three of them in the head and one in the abdomen. One shot sufficed in the life of the murder, as the bullet penetrated the heart.  Shacklett was at one time employed at the home of the Beers as a groom, and it is said he became fascinated with the young lady, who did not in any way returned his infatuation.  He resigned his position there some time ago, and has since worked at many places about the city. Saturday he was employed in a livery stable here, and left the barn a little after nine o’clock.  Before going he made a remark that perhaps it would be the last they would ever see of him.  From evidence introduced at the inquest this morning it would seem that a terrible struggle had taken place before the crime was committed. Shacklett was about 18 years of age.  Frank Beers, father of the murdered girl, is the well-known passenger conductor running between Newton and Purcell, Oklahoma. (The Guthrie Daily Leader, Guthrie, Oklahoma.  July 15, 1901.  Page 1).

Girl Who Met Horrible Death Visited Wichita Last Week
Miss Oma Beers of Newton, who met such a terrible death Saturday night, was last week in Wichita, the guest of Miss Cosette Keegan.  She attended several social functions while here and by her winsome manners, vivacious spirit and great beauty made a host of friends.  She had frequently visited in Wichita before.  A dispatch from Newton says that as is usual in such tragedies where slayer and slain are both in the silence of death, no detail scarcely is available… ….Her many friends here and the acquaintance of her father, who are many, are shocked beyond expression by her horrible fate at the hands of a demon.  (The Wichita Daily Eagle, Wichita, Kansas.  July 16, 1901.  Page 6).

Gazier Has A Big Heart
“Do you see that conductor? Well, that man has a great big heart in him,” said a well-known railroad man to an Eagle reporter, early in the week.  The conductor to whom attention was directed was Al Glazier, so long with the Santa Fe that old-timers came in on his train.  It was Sunday night that the handsome daughter of conductor Frank Beers was murdered at Newton. Mr. Beers was down at the end of his run at Purcell, Oklahoma, and knew nothing about the fearful tragedy at his home.  Conductor Ed Kichen, who started from Newton that morning, did not have the heart to inform Mr. Beers of the murder. When he met him down in Oklahoma he could hardly restrain tears. Frank Beers was never in better humor that he was that morning and he waved his hand to his colleague in a way that indicated that he had no intimation of the gloom that hung over his home.  Conductor Glazier was detailed to meet Conductor Beers at White Eagle, break the fearful tidings to him, and take charge of the train. Before he reached Wichita his heart failed him and he asked L. R. Delaney to accompany him. It was then unpleasant task that somebody had to assist him, and Mr. Delaney reluctantly accepted.  In the meantime, conductor Beers was coming homeward, joshing man who knew of the fearful tragedy, but who didn’t have the heart to tell him that his only daughter, his only child, had been murdered.  “Well, Well,” said Mr. Beers, when he saw Mr. Glazier at White Eagle, “I did think you had more sense.”  He thought Mr. Glazier had caught the fever and had turned Boomer. He thought he was going down to El Reno to register, and joshed him with more than ordinary good humor – not dreaming that his friend was the bearer of the most dreadful message that one man could carry to another.  Al Glazier’s heart was almost breaking. He had formed the words to convey fearful tidings, but he could not utter them.  “Let me see,” he said, at last; “don’t you and I wear the same size of caps?”  He took the cap of Mr. Beers and it fitted him.  “Let me see your punch.”  He took that too.  He asked him for his book and checks.  By this time Mr. Beers became more grave.  “Frank,” said Mr. Glazier, in sad tones, “go into the baggage car and see Delaney.”  Mr. Beers saw tears in Conductor Glazier’s eyes, and a terrible shadow came over him.  “For God’s sake, Al, What’s wrong?” asked Mr. Beers.  Mr. Glazier couldn’t say a word. He turned and burst into tears, and then went into the train.  He was in the rear car, but he heard a scream of intense agony, and he knew that the terrible news had been broken to the father of the murdered girl.  (The Wichita Daily Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. Sunday, July 21, 1901. Page 11).

Conductor Beers Again Afflicted
Frank Beers, the Santa Fe passenger conductor whose daughter was murdered at Newton some time since, has met with another heavy affliction.  His wife has lost her reason and was taken to an asylum in Indiana for treatment.  Mr. Beers has many friends in this vicinity who will deeply sympathize with him in his double affliction.  (The Guthrie Daily Leader, Guthrie, Oklahoma.  August 27, 1901.  Page 1).

(c) Excerpted from the book, Deadly Encounters:  Murder in Harvey County, Kansas by Darren McMannis.  Used by permission.