Three Year Old Boy Drowned.
Wandered From Home and Fell in a Creek. Sad Accident at the C. L. Perkins Home This morning. Body Found by Mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Perkins, who live on the Hackney place northeast of town, suffered a sudden and awful bereavement this morning in the death by drowning of their three-year-old son, Johnnie. The little fellow strayed away from the house where his mother was at work and wandered down to the creek, which is about a quarter of a mile from the house. After he had been gone about fifteen or twenty minutes, the mother started out to find him. In her search she went to the creek and there she saw the body of the little one lying face downward in the water, which was about knee-deep. The mother quickly removed the apparently lifeless body and after working for several minutes in an unsuccessful effort to restore signs of life, started for the house, continuing her efforts at resuscitation in the meantime. A telephone call was sent from the home of a neighbor to a physician in town who gave instructions as to the proper methods to use in the efforts to save the little fellow’s life if it was not already lost. When a physician from town reached the place, the boy was dead, and it is probable that he was beyond human help when he was found lying in the creek by the mother. The deepest sympathy will be felt throughout the community for the parents thus suddenly robbed of a life near and dear to them and kind and loving hands will do everything possible to help them to bear the blow. The Newton Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas. Tuesday, April 7, 1903. Page 1.
Funeral Set For Tomorrow
The Body of Johnnie Perkins to Be Buried in Walton. Arrangements for the funeral of Master John Lawrence Perkins, the little boy whose accidental death by drowning was mentioned in yesterday’s Kansan, will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock at the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Perkins, northeast of Newton. Rev. W. A. Elliott will conduct the service, assisted by the choir of the Baptist Church. The pall-bearers will be little people from the school of Miss Fannie Hackney in this city. Burial will be made in the Hackney lot of the Walton cemetery. The little one whose life was so suddenly blotted out was three years old last January. He was his parents’ pride and joy and their affliction will indeed be grievous. Great sympathy is felt for them throughout the community. The Newton Evening Kansan-Republican., Newton Kansas. Wednesday, April 8, 1903. Page 1.