Fatal Accident Was Unavoidable
The automobile accident east of the West Fifth street bridge Sunday afternoon, in which Bennie Walter, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter, received bruises that resulted in his death Monday morning, has been pronounced to have been unavoidable after a thorough investigation made by Sheriff Will Patton.  Willard Hall, colored, of Peabody, who was driving the car that struck the child, testified that the child was almost clear of the car, when he darted back in front of it.  Mrs. Nora Mize, who resides in the first residence east of the Fifth street bridge on the north side of the street, and who was sitting on the porch at the time of the accident testifies the same as the driver.  Astor Early, who was driving the truck directly in front of the Hall car, stated that he was not driving over twelve miles an hour.  Others who witnessed the accident stated that Hall stopped after he had gone not more than the length of his car.  To be able to stop so quickly it was stated today the car could not have been going over twelve miles an hour, if that fast.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton KS.  June 7, 1921.  P 2.

Funeral Notice
A short funeral service for Bennie Walter will be held at the home at 815 Oak street, Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock and at the the Lutheran Church at 2:30.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton KS.  June 7, 1921.  Page 3.

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