Wild Ride Ends In Fatal Crash.  Mrs. Daisy Stogsdill Dead and Sterling Cox Has Fractured Skull.  Driver of Car Held.  With Bill Jones at Wheel Rented Car Turned Over Saturday Night.

A car smash ended what has been described as a booze party for four Newton people, Saturday evening, and resulted in the death of Mrs. Daisy Stogsdill and the serious injury of Sterling Cox, her companion.  The crash came at the turn on the Santa Fe trail near the Paxton station west of Halstead, where the trail crosses both the interurban and the Santa Fe railway tracks after a sharp turn.  Mrs. Stogsdill and Sterling Cox both suffered fractured skulls, and Cox had several internal injuries.  Mrs. Stogsdill died at the Halstead Hospital about 1:30 Sunday morning without regaining consciousness.  A report from the Halstead hospital early this morning was to the effect that Sterling Cox was slowly improving and was in no serious danger of death.  The other two occupants of the car, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, were not injured except for a few scratches and nervous shock.  The party started, it is stated by officers who have investigated, on a trip to Reno county, going to Hutchinson for booze and then a wild ride home.  The new Ford sedan used was rented about 5:00 p.m., Saturday from “Skin” Robinson, a taxi driver, by Cox and Jones.  With Bill Jones driving and his wife, formerly Helen Welch, in the front seat, and Mrs. Stogsdill and Sterling Cox in the rear seat, the party started back from Hutchinson, where they had purchased some wine and other liquors.  All four drank considerably, the officers have been told.  Jones has made the turn at Paxton station scores of times but was driving too rapidly, Saturday night to make it.  He tried to however, and the car turned over, the front fender striking a telephone pole.  The couple in the rear seat were thrown against the top of the car with such force that their skulls were fractured.  The couple in the front set suffered a few scratches from the broken glass.  Mrs. Jones finally recovered from the shock of the accident enough to crawl from the car and stop a passing interurban car.  All four were taken on the interurban car to Halstead and placed in the Halstead hospital.  It was there learned that Mrs. Stogsdill had a fractured skull, from which she never regained consciousness, and that Sterling Cox had a fractured skull and serious internal injuries.  Cox regained consciousness yesterday.  Late Saturday night, Sheriff Carl Adams and County Attorney Alden Branine drove to Halstead and found Jones to be only slightly scratched and Mrs. Jones in a state of nervous shock.  Jones was plainly drunk at the time officers state.  After he was sobered up somewhat, he was brought back to Newton by the two officers.  They returned Sunday morning for Mrs. Jones and brought her to Newton.  The Ford car was brought to Newton, Sunday afternoon, and was found to be completely demolished.  The top of the car was entirely smashed.  Mrs. Stogsdill is the wife of Thomas Stogsdill, an express clerk on the run between Newton and Purcell, Oklahoma.  Sterling Cox is married, but it is reported that he has been separated from his wife for several weeks.  Mrs. Stogsdill was formerly Miss Daisy Rash of this city.  It is thought that criminal action of some kind will be brought against Bill Jones, according to the officers. (The Newton Kansan, Newton Kansas.  March 8, 1925).

Daisy (Rash) Stogdill.  Daisy Rash was born near Mack’s Creek, Camden county, Missouri, February 23, 1904, and passed away at Halstead Kansas, March 8, 1925, from injuries received in an automobile accident, aged twenty-one years and thirteen days.  She removed from her Missouri home to Newton, nearly three years ago where she has resided ever since.  She was married to Thomas Stogdill, August 17, 1923, and was at the time of her untimely death, residing with her husband at 606 Old Main street, Newton.  As a child the deceased was paralyzed in one limb, and was reared and brought to maturity only through years of unusual care and loving attention on the part of fond parents.  She was of attractive and care free disposition, fond of her friends and loved ones.  Those who knew her loved her and mourn her going.  She accepted Christ as her Saviour and united with the Baptists at the age of twelve, remaining in the faith till the end.  She leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rash of 609 W. Sixth street, one sister Mrs. Frank Young also of Newton and a younger brother Earl at home; her husband and many relatives back in the old home state to mourn her tragic death.  After services conducted at the Duff & Son funeral parlors, she was laid away in Greenwood cemetery, Arthur Brooks of the Christian Church, officiating.  (Duff & Son Funeral Parlors, Newton Kansas.  March 9, 1925).

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