Memorials to Harvey County Heroes

George Richard Swartzendruber

A memorial service for an Oklahoman killed in the Persian Gulf War will be Sunday in Adair. Army Warrant Officer George Swartzendruber, 25, was killed Feb. 27, 1991, when his Blackhawk helicopter was shot down by Iraqi forces. He was with E Company, 1st Infantry at...

George Francis Martinez

Killed in Action in Vietnam, June 1, 1969, at the age of 35 years. George was born May 9, 1934 in Florence, Kansas, the son of Juan & Guadalupe Martinez. George is buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Newton, Kansas. His Memorial Database Tribute is found here:...

James E. Early

Funeral for War Victim Planned at Halstead Monday. Funeral services for Capt. James E. Early, 32, of Halstead, who was kil;l;ed in action October 15, 1952, while an infantry commander in Korea, will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the First Methodist Church. Burial will be in...

Hubert Claude Adler

Hubert Claude Adler, US Navy, died in WW II, on September 5, 1945 in the Pearl Harbor area of the Hawaian Islands, after falling overboard from his ship, the USS Takanis Bay . His body was never recovered. Hubert was 6 ft tall and weighed 165 pounds, with "brown hair...

Edwin Corliss Cooke

Private First Class Cooke was serving with the First Marines on Okinawa, having taken part in the invasion of that island, and was killed on May 18, 1945. Pfc. Edwin Corliss Cooke was the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cooke, 108 west Twenty-Fourth street, Newton, Kansas,...

Harvey Berger

Col Harvey Berger died in action over Germany on Tuesday, April 3, 1945, according to word reaching his brother, Oscar Berger, recently. He had been on a flight carrying paratroops from England to the German front. His death marks the 13th gold star for Halstead high...

Dale E. Fagan

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fagan received word that their son Staff sergeant Dale Fagan was killed while on a bombing mission over Germany on March 17, 1945. Word was received April 4, 1945 that the young sergeant was missing in action, and since all prisoners of war had been...

Carl Dill

Word has been received that Pfc. Carl Dill was killed in action in the campaign against Germany on October 31, 1944. Carl graduated from Halstead High School with the class of 1941. He went overseas more than a year ago and has foought with the 45th Divisiion in...

Wilbur D. Robuck

A memorial service was held at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon for S/Sgt. Wilbur Robuck who was killed in action in France August 25, 1944. Reported as missing at first, his death was confirmed in a letter from Noel Long who attended Wilbur's funeral. Wilbur,...

John Glenn Somers, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Somers received a letter from the adjutant general of the Army informing them that by direction of the President the Silver Star had been posthumously awarded to their son, Lieutenant John G. Somers, Jr., formerly and officer in the 329th Infantry...