Crime & Punishment

Crime & Punishment In Harvey County, Kansas Sadly, crime has been a regular occurrence in Harvey County just as it has been elsewhere.  Fortunately, the majority of our criminals have been guilty of “small crimes” such as throwing rocks at windows or...

Murphy & Williams Held For Robbery

Hold Two Men For Burrton Robbery.  Five Stores Entered Monday Morning – Men Have No Certificates. BURRTON – J.B. Murphy and Neal Williams are being held by the county officers for investigation in connection with the robberies which were pulled off in...

Chicken Thieves

Chicken Thieves.  Some unregenerate cuss entered the henhouse of E.C. Cadwell Sunday night and appropriated 14 fine fat hens.  The authorities are making a strenuous effort to apprehend the thief.  The Burrton Tribune, Burrton Kansas.  April 23, 1914.  Page...

Circumstantial Evidence

Two employees of a certain Newton firm are being joshed considerably by their fellow-workmen today over an incident that happened this morning.  Yesterday they were sent to a certain Newton home to do some work which necessitated their being inside the house much of...